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Biography for Charles Brenton Huggins-Life

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Utvecklare: WindyApp Studio
2.99 USD

Want to learn All about Charles Brenton Huggins biography, his famous quotes, and to watch his documentary all in one App? This is for you.

- Visualized history and biography, for easy learning and reference
- Famous Quotes to get inspiration
- Documentary to bring you virtually back to the history
- Having everything about Charles Brenton Huggins in one App.

Brief Introduction of Charles Brenton Huggins:
Charles Brenton Huggins (September 22, 1901 – January 12, 1997) was a Canadian-American physician, physiologist and cancer researcher at the University of Chicago specializing in prostate cancer. He was awarded the 1966 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for discovering in 1941 that hormones could be used to control the spread of some cancers.This was the first discovery that showed that cancer could be controlled by chemicals.